This job requires analytical skill .
Private job- Private itself means not secure We will be in our job till our company is in a good positions in the market. Else they might even say get lost for us :)
With respect to girls , this could be a bit difficult after marriage . Because this includes working extra hours to get our delivarables done for the day , involving stress
Working extra hours does not mean we will get extra money sometimes .
In this job we will not be applying what we studied in our engineering particularly for ECE ppl. Good news for non techies but bad news for techies :)
We will be doing coding , testing ..
Companies like TCS , Wipro etc
Growth - First we will be doing a coding stuff slowly job moves to management side
Going for a core job in Industry
This job is also the same thing as option one . Only difference is we wil apply what we studied in our ECE branch . This job needs good analytical communication and technical knowledge
Companies like Intel , amd and etc
Private job- Private itself means not secure We will be in our job till our company is in a good positions in the market. Else they might even say get lost for us :)
With respect to girls , this could be a bit difficult after marriage . Because this includes working extra hours to get our delivarables done for the day , involving stress
In this job we will not be applying what we studied in our engineering particularly for ECE ppl. Good news for non techies but bad news for techies :)
We will be doing coding , testing ..
Companies like TCS , Wipro etc
Growth - First we will be doing a coding stuff slowly job moves to management side
Going for a core job in Industry
This job is also the same thing as option one . Only difference is we wil apply what we studied in our ECE branch . This job needs good analytical communication and technical knowledge
Companies like Intel , amd and etc
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